Walton Chamber

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Walton COUNTY chamber of commerce


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Maximizing Your Digital Presence in Walton County, GA: Website, SEO, PPC, & Social Media Management

Faithworks Marketing is proud to be a member of the Walton County Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has been an amazing source of referrals, networking, training, and encouragement for our business. We want to say "thank you" by offering special pricing for all chamber members.

Having a strong digital presence in Walton County, GA can help your business or organization reach the right audiences, establish credibility, and generate leads. It can also help you build trust with potential customers, create better relationships with existing customers, and drive more sales.


Website Design and Development

Our web design packages are affordable - and a cost-effective way to a beautiful website. It includes the initial design and development of your website, as well as the first 8 pages of your website. We will have the website for your business delivered to you in wait for it… 45 days! Upon receipt, you will have two opportunities to provide revisions to us, and we will make them at no additional cost. For more information on our website design package, please schedule a free consult.

Non-Chamber Pricing: $3500

Chamber Member Pricing: $3000

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimize Your Website for Increased Sales
Are you struggling to rank on Google and gain traffic on your website? Are you looking for ways to grow your business and increase sales?
If so, it's time to utilize affordable SEO services to upgrade your company's website.

Learn more about SEO and what it means here.

Non-Chamber Pricing: $1297 (per month)

Chamber Member Pricing: $997 (per month)

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Pay-per-click ads appear in different areas on the Google search results page.

Our Google AdWords services can help you expand your digital reach, gain new customers, generate more revenue, and increase your brand’s visibility. When people search for your products or services online, we help your business rank top of the search results. We use PPC management (pay-per-click ads) services – marketing your small business through search engines to help you gain new customers online. Pay-Per-Click ads generate revenue as soon as they go live, unlike search engine optimization, which takes a while to drive the search results.

Non-Chamber Pricing: $1297 (per month)

Chamber Member Pricing: $997 (per month)

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Social Media Management

When managed properly, your company’s social media can be used to notably boost both the sales and awareness of your brand.
It also provides a glimpse into how your company operates, establishing a level of transparency that cultivates trust. We carefully manage and optimize brand accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, providing a diverse group of platforms for your audience to interact with. Regardless of how many accounts we manage for a particular brand, they all receive the same amount of attention and care.

Social media ads are one of the quickest and most effective ways to connect with your target audience. These ads provide plenty of profitable opportunities and are a great way to boost your digital marketing campaigns.
These small but mighty ads utilize all the data users share on social media to offer highly personalized and relevant content, which ultimately expands conversion opportunities and introduces your brand to more potential customers. 

Non-Chamber Pricing: $1297 (per month)

Chamber Member Pricing: $997 (per month)

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Tips for Maximizing Your Digital Presence in Walton County

Here are a few tips for maximizing your digital presence in Walton County, GA:

  • Invest in website design and development: Having a well-designed website is essential for reaching the right audiences and building trust with potential customers. Invest in a good website design and development strategy to ensure your website is optimized for both users and search engines.
  • Use SEO and PPC: Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to reach more people in Walton County, GA and beyond. With a good SEO and PPC strategy, you can reach the right audiences, generate more leads, and drive more sales.
  • Leverage social media: Use social media to engage with potential and existing customers. With the right social media management strategy, you can build trust, create better relationships, and drive more sales.
  • Track your performance: Use analytics and reporting tools to track your performance and identify potential issues. These tools can help you optimize your digital presence, improve your ROI, and maximize your potential.

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Grow Your Organization with Confidence

Get in touch today to discuss your next project and we will be happy to answer any questions and provide you with a no-obligation free consultation.

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